Sports Editor

Flip flops, beach parties, sun hats and fruity drinks with toothpick umbrellas come to mind for many people when they think of spring break.
To some spring break means wild parties, but in Alva, it means time to spend with family. Northwestern Oklahoma State University goes on spring break March 19-March 23.
Some students plan vacations, some spend time with family and others stay in Alva to work. Professors and staff mainly use this time to spend time with their families as well.
Matt Walter, the head football coach, is taking a step back from football this year. He said he hopes to relax with his family.
“My dream spring break would be taking the family to a cabin in Colorado and Skiing,” Walter said.
Rebecca Cook, International Student Advisor, also plans to spend time with family.
“My kids and I plan on going to my hometown for the first few days to see my family, including my new nephew,” Cook said. “I also plan on taking my kiddos to the Wichita zoo at some point. Otherwise, I will just be spending precious time with my kiddos!”
Allen Skeeter Bird, chief executive officer, is helping his daughter remodel her kitchen for spring break. Although Bird will be spending time with family, he dreams of being able to spend time with his family somewhere else.
“I think I would enjoy taking my family to South or Central America,” Bird said, “and spending half of the time close to the beach, and half the time seeing museums, architecture, ancient ruins and local artesian shops.”
Myra Davidson, administrative assistant to the president, said she always does something fun for spring break. This year Davidson will be going to a casino with her husband for a few days, and later doing a shopping trip with some friends.
Davidson has gone on trips from skiing in the cold to enjoying the warm of San Antonio, Texas. One thing she would like to do but hasn’t is go on a girls only trip to South Padre Island.
Whether you dream of skiing through the Rocky Mountains or lounging on a beach, spring break is something many students and staff love.