Sports Editor

Sports are back in swing after winter break. Some athletes go home and keep on the grind, while others go home and recharge.
When the teams return, coaches are ready to guide the teams to a winning season.
The main spring semester sports are basketball, baseball, softball, golf and rodeo. Shawn Dirden, head men’s basketball coach, said he winning is the team’s goal.
“Winning relationships between player-players, player-coach,” Dirden said, “winning home games, winning the state and making the GAC playoffs.”
Dirden also said another part of their goal is to keep the team at a 3.0 GPA or higher.
Many teams have season goals. Many hope to win, but some coaches set out goals more than the win.
Ryan Bowen is the head baseball coach, and his goals for the team involve daily improvements.
“Mainly, we want to continue to develop on a daily basis of becoming the best student-athletes that we can be,” Bowen said. “That includes setting daily and weekly leadership, academic, and baseball goals that will help each of our players and program reach new heights.
We feel that if we live up to our standards and continue to develop on a daily basis, then we will have a great 2018 season.”
Bowen and Dirden both said it is up to players to keep in shape during the winter break. NCAA doesn’t allow for teams to continue practice over the winter break.
Dirden said: “Most will go home over break and do some maintenance running and lifting, and light shooting.
But mostly the rest and recharge their batteries.  I don’t encourage them to play because they risk injury, but whatever each player does or doesn’t do is on them, they aren’t required to do anything from me at all or in any way.”
The men’s basketball team practiced twice a day. In the mornings they focused on conditioning and shooting and nights were reserved for live practice.
The men’s baseball team has their first game February 3. Bowen said the next few weeks will involve workouts, strict defensive work, small group, team offensive work and several other things to prepare the team.
The men’s basketball season is in full swing.
“We are off to a good start,” Dirden said, “but we are working to stay focused on our goals and not read the press clippings.  But we are 9-2 and off to the best start in D2 era here at NWOSU, best start since 2005. Winning is our goal, and is fun, but there is a lot of work to do and it is a marathon and not a sprint, so it’s important to limit distraction and keep head down and work hard.  That’s what myself and staff are working to provide, and the players are doing their part!”