By Kevin Ford

Student Reporter

College is not a breeze. Students across the country go through the most stress during the years they spend in college. Research show college undergraduates go through as much stress as musical artists.

The price of fame comes with a lot of attention. Privacy is scarce. The biggest difference between celebrities and college students is that college students are still young adults with lesser experience in society. Young adults are still growing, trying to develop themselves and find out what they want to do to make a living.

Stress can lead to anxiety. In fact, 70 percent of adults in the U.S say they feel stressed out on a daily. What causes stress varies depending on age and location.

In college most of the people experiencing stress say it comes from the insane amount of work they get assigned as well as peer pressure. College is supposed to offer people a lot of freedom, but all freedom comes with countless distractions. Drugs and alcohol are not factors that contribute to relieving stress.

These substances have proven to hurt most college students, in fact, a lot of college students put themselves in so much debt. A failure to manage time and handling critical priorities is what usually lead people to struggle financially during their time in college.

Exercise is one of the best things you can do to combat stress. It may seem odd, but exerting physical stress on your body helps your brain clear all the mental stress it goes through. Exercise is proven to improve sleep quality and level out food intake. A good exercise routine contributes to better lifestyle choices according to the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health.

Motivation and encouragement are two of the biggest driving factors people must possess to get the results they want from working out and exercising.

Another technique that is proven to relieve stress is lighting a candle. Save power. Shut of your digital devices and give your mind something different to cope with for a change. You might get surprised over how well this works if you do it on some occasions.

Social media can be really demanding of your attention. The concept of being available all the time can be stressful. Don’t let yourself give into that illusion half the time.

Put your phone aside and let your mind rest. The most important thing is that people make mindful decisions and understand what makes them calm. What works best for you is what you should resort to if you are feeling an excessive amount of stress.