Student Reporter

Campus police arrested a Northwestern student on Nov. 3 for possessing marijuana.

According to court documents, around noon Nov. 3 campus police were called to Coronado Hall to investigate a reported smell of marijuana coming from the 204 suite. The officer reported that on his way to the suite there was a strong smell of marijuana in the hallway.

A student met up with the officer in the hallway and let him into the suite. The officer reported that the smell was stronger in the suite and he requested permission to search the rooms. The student who called was cooperative and let the officer search his room and the officer did not find anything suspicious. Another student entered as the officer was finishing his search and the officer asked the student if he could search his room. The student was compliant with the officer, but after his room was searched there was still no evidence of marijuana. The officer then proceeded to the final room in the suite and knocked on the door, but there was no answer and the officer reported that the marijuana smell by the door was even stronger than the odor in the suite. The officer knocked several more times, but there was no answer so he asked the head resident assistant to watch the suite while the officer went to get a search warrant.

The officer later returned with the warrant and arrived at the room in question. The officer knocked and Joseph Bell, 19, answered the door and was shown the search warrant, the documents said. Bell cooperated and said, “You can search because I don’t smoke.” The officer then searched the room and  found a marijuana grinder, a pill container containing marijuana and several lighters. After the officer finished his search, Bell was placed under arrest for the possession of marijuana within 1000 feet of a school and for the possession of marijuana paraphernalia. The officer then transported Bell to the Woods County jail where he was booked, the court document said.

Woods County Jail officials said Bell is free on $4,500 bond.