Student Reporter

Monday, Sept. 7, around 10:30 p.m., Alva police were called to an altercation between three students in Coronado Hall that lead to the suspension and removal of a student from the University and dorm.

A student, heading back to his suite after doing laundry, was approached by a fellow resident.

Following a silent stare, the victim walked away as he muttered under his breath.

After attempting to talk the issue out with the resident, the situation escalated. The same student doing laundry went back to get the rest out of the dryer when he was, again, approached by the other resident, this time accompanied by other students; including the second resident’s brother.

The two brothers attacked the student. One grabbed him and put him into a headlock, while the other started to punch the student in the face. The brothers proceeded to drag the man to the corner and continued to assault him.

The victim’s friend, who was also doing laundry, got help quickly. Not long after the friend got there, several coaches in the dorm rushed to pull the fight apart.

The police and ambulance arrived on sight shortly after the altercation. The officers took the statements of the brothers, while the medics patch up the victim’s eye. After the cop got the statement he headed over to get the other side of the story. However, the man who was attacked felt the police didn’t take the necessary actions that needed to be taken.

The student felt neglected by the police, stating that “during the whole questioning process the cop barely makes eye contact, he’s looking all around… he’s less attentive than I thought he should be, as an officer of the law, I actually had to ask him, “are you listening?”

Northwestern handled the situation “swiftly and justly,” according to the victim. Throughout the whole ordeal, the university handled the situation thoroughly and appropriately, he said.

Necessary actions were taken against the attackers to make the students of this school feel safe and secure. The assailant was suspended from the university and kicked out of the dorms.

According to the victim, knowing the school has the students’ backs, adds a new perspective to ‘Ranger family’.

For more information on handling residential related issues, contact Calleb Mosburg, Dean of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, at (580) 327-8415, or

Appointments can be made at the Student Services office, located on the first floor of the Fine Arts building. Office hours are 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

To speak with a campus police officer, call (580) 327-8511.

For anyonymous tips call the Confidential Crime Tip Line at (580) 327-8196.