Student Writer

February 14 is right around the corner. Many people hate this day, but many love it. Valentine’s Day is known to be a day that you spend with friends or a significant other and give cards, chocolate, flowers, etc.

It is actually said that many are bound to engaged on this day, but what started this loving holiday and what’s the history behind it?

It wasn’t until the 1300s that Valentine’s Day was celebrated because of love and romance. Before this, though, it is said that there might have been three men known with the name of “Valentine.” There are a few legends about these men that could possibly have something to do with why we celebrate Valentine’s Day.

In one of those legends a man named Valentine performed marriages for young men and their lovers behind Emperor Claudius II’s back.

The emperor thought his soldiers would be better if they were single so he made a law prohibiting the marriage of young men. Valentine was later caught and was sentenced to death.

In another legend, while in prison, it was said Valentine fell in love with one of his jailor’s daughter and after his death he had left a love letter signing off as “Your Valentine.” These two legends have something in common, they both have something to do with love.

The celebration of Lupercalia was celebrated in the middle of February and others might believe that the Catholic church celebrated Valentine in order to “Christianize” Lupercalia. Later in the 5th century Lupercalia was announced to be “un-Christian,” and February 14 was officially declared St.

Valentine’s Day by Pope Gelasius. Of course Valentine’s Day wasn’t all about love and romance until later in the 1300’s. This time of year is said to be bird’s mating season which was what added more to the idea that Valentine should be about romance.