Student Writer

With the premiere of “Light From the Darkroom” at the Rialto came actress Lymari Nadal.

Nadal was not at all what you’d expect from an actress; when she arrived, she was approachable and polite.

My first question was one that I had to know personally before anything else: “What is Denzel Washington like?” Since she had worked with him on the film “American Gangster.”

“He was very nice,” Nadal said. “When we first met he showed me all New York, and he talked about his experience and joked with the cast. It was interesting to see what he had to deal with because he was so famous and always had people heckling him.”

Nadal first became inspired to act in college.  “I took theater in graduate school, I was studying chemistry and I fell in love with it. Since then, my passion has expanded to art, music, movies anything you can express life with.” Nadal said.

She recently moved to Oklahoma. “It’s been on and off since working on ‘Light From the Darkroom,’ but I’ve finally fully moved here,” she said. “I fell in love here with everything  — the people, the scenery, with everything.”

Someone who’s lived in beautiful places like Puerto Rico and Los Angeles, and seen New York, chose Oklahoma, of all places.

And as a bonus, she is a fan of the OKC Thunder.