By Ely Noble, Student Reporter

As the fall semester winds down, intramural sports are ramping up at Northwestern.

Students can participate in flag football, basketball and softball, as well as one-day tournaments in volleyball, tennis, pickle ball and more.

Between five and eight teams usually participate in each sport.

“NWOSU offers intramurals as a way for students to be involved with the school and to let the past high school athletes play the games they loved one more time,” Intramural Sports Director Cooper Thornton said.

Diego Mendoza, a sophomore at Northwestern majoring in general psychology, said he is excited to compete in the upcoming flag football season.

“I joined intramural sports because it gives me a way to be active and still play the sports I played growing up,” said Mendoza, a player and coach of an intramural football team. “I also get to play with my friends and make more friends.”

Nathen Hunt, a sophomore majoring in health and sports science, is participating in intramurals. He said he is eager to get back on the field.

“My favorite memory from intramurals is realizing how fast I was connecting to people that I just met,” Hunt said. “I am also ready for this year’s intramurals to be able to compete with my friends again and even make new ones.”

Northwestern intramurals are available to any student who is enrolled and does not play a collegiate or professional sport. Paper sign-up sheets are available throughout the campus, and students can also sign up through the website

Flag football signups are no longer available. However, other sports being offered are still available.

The number of teams participating will determine the length of each season. Football will be played at the intramural field west of the J.R. Holder Wellness Center. Basketball will be played in Percefull Fieldhouse. Softball will be at the Alva Recreation Complex southwest of campus.

The one-day tournaments of volleyball be played just outside the Coronado Café, while tennis and pickle ball will be played on the courts behind the wellness center.

The sports do not have predetermined schedules. Students who have questions about the dates and times of events can contact Thornton via email at