Student Reporter

Entry forms for Ranger Research Day are due Nov. 11.

Entries for posters or paper presentations are welcomed from all academic topics. They should be submitted to the office of Shawn Holiday, associate dean of graduate studies and professor of English, in EC 103. Students can obtain an entry form on the Ranger Research Day website at Students can also contact Holiday at 580-327-8589 or by email at

Ranger Research Day will be from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Nov. 21 in the Student Center Ballroom.

The event is an opportunity for graduate students, undergraduate students, and faculty and staff to share research that they have done on a topic of their choosing.

During Ranger Research Day students get to share with the community of Alva, professors and other students about a topic they have researched. It can be a topic they have researched for a class or a topic students have researched on their own.

Students  create a poster containing information about the research that they have done. Posters will need to include a brief abstract, a short introduction, aim or aims of the research, results., and discussion. Students can also choose not to do a poster and do an academic research paper instead, and participants will read their papers. Paper presentations, which will consist of reading the research paper aloud, should not exceed 20 minutes, which is roughly 8-10 pages of text.  Students can do their research over any subject they choose as long as they have a faculty sponsor.

NWOSU has always seen response to Ranger Research Day. Last year Northwestern had 50 presenters on various topics. Holiday, who oversees Ranger Research Day said, “We’re hoping to have as many students as we had last year, if not more to present.”

Holiday said he thinks this is a great opportunity for students, and it would look good on students’ resumes. Holiday said, “It’s really good, especially for students who plan to go on to graduate school because it looks good on resumes and it shows that students have research experience and that they have worked with a professor. There is data that shows that undergraduate students who do research with a professor are less likely to drop out of school because they form relationships with their professors and see them more as a mentor.”

Any student who presents during Ranger Research day will also get the opportunity to present at Oklahoma Research day, when students from other Oklahoma colleges and universities present their research. Oklahoma Research Day will be in March at Northeastern.