Have you felt the uplift in attitude since the winter months have passed?
Springtime allows more people to enjoy beautiful weather. If you have not tried fishing, hiking or bicycling, then you should look into giving those activities a shot during spring break.

Three years ago, I was introduced to fishing. My cousin, Evan Wahpekeche, is one of the best fishermen I know. Although fishing may be difficult, it is one of the most rewarding feelings to catch a fish when it makes you struggle to reel it in.

He would take me out to the many lakes and rivers that he knew how to fish on. At those fishing spots, he would teach me how to read the fishing conditions and what to use during those times.

This time of the year is the best time of the year to go buy a fishing pole and hit a lake, river or a pond. It does take time to learn how to fish, but it is a rewarding experience.

Hiking is also a great way to enjoy the outdoor beauty we have around us. Hiking can lead to seeing natural beauty.

During quarantine, I went on my first official hike in the Ozark National Forest. There, my family and I went through trees, streams and pastures.

We were on a quest to find a big waterfall. In our four-hour hike, we found the waterfall we desired. The waterfall’s cool water was what we were looking forward to.

State parks like Alabaster Caverns in Freedom, Roman Nose in Watonga and the Gloss Mountains in Fairview are relatively close to Alva.

Beauty is subjective, and these places offer a sense of hiking while sightseeing.

Bicycling around the town you will be visiting for spring break is beneficial to your health.

Last fall, Briley Yunker ran around Alva, and I followed her on her cruiser bicycle. After that, I realized that bicycling is fun. To be able to get exercise without feeling dead afterward is what I needed. For Christmas, she got me a bicycle.

This past week has been the best weather for cycling, so she and I hopped on our bikes and rode around Alva. We completed six miles in 40 minutes.
It felt good to exercise and be able to enjoy the weather we are experiencing.

If you have a bicycle, then ride it. The weather is the perfect temperature for going around town.

If a bicycle is not accessible, then just take a walk because the weather is beautiful this time of the year.

Spring is the best time of the year. Enjoy this weather during spring break because these activities could make some of the best memories for years to come.

Dacoda McDowell-Wahpekeche poses during a hike on the Whitaker Point Trail (Hawksbill Crag) in Kingston, Arkansas, on Sept. 5, 2020.
McDowell-Wahpekeche’s sister, Madyson, and mother, Marguerite, look at a waterfall found deep into the woods around Jasper, Arkansas, on April 26, 2020.