Student Reporter

Students gathered in the student center for the opportunity to express themselves during open mic night.
For two hours the student center welcomed performers of all gifts and talents to the set up “stage” for the chance to to shine.
From singers to guitarists, poetry declarers to pianists and much more, the varied and multiple performances of the Open Mic Night sponsored by SGA put on a show.
For many of the spectators and participants alike, Open Mic Night is not only a great way to enjoy some remarkable talent, but a great time spent with friends having fun and making memories together.
“I just have a passion for laughing and acting silly,” Tim Atakorn, one of the skilled pianists of the night, laughed when he was first asked why he chose to play at the Open Mic Night. “But really, I just have a passion for the piano and love to play.”
Atakom served as the warm-up and very first participant of Open Mic Night, readying the crowd for the incredible talent that was yet to come by sharing songs and segments of his own developed piano skills.
“I absolutely love to play guitar and I just was excited for an excuse to come out and play,” Kaitlyn Kilian, a naturally talented and gifted singer and guitarist said.
During the night, she is noted to have nailed multiple country western songs until they struck a chord with everyone, and she received a hearty encore every time.
For others, the decision to play in front of the growing crowd of the night wasn’t so easy.
“I only went out there because she pushed me into it,” Danyelle Sawyer, who captured everyone’s ears and attention with her beautiful voice and impressive guitar skills, laughed as she gestured to her friend.
“I really don’t have an interesting reason to sing or write poetry,” Alanna Negelein confessed after her double performance on stage. “I just like doing it, especially when I can use that opportunity to honor God. It’s always terrifying getting up on stage, but as soon as I sit down I want to be up there again. It’s a crazy feeling.”
Despite the butterflies that may have swarmed in Negelein’s stomach, her talent showed through in her solo song of “10,000 Reasons” and her impromptu poem she wrote during the evening.
Sara Houchin, a regular guitarist and vocalist at the BCM, says her inspiration to sing her multiple solos and guitar music at the Open Mic Night came from the unintimidating and fun-loving crowd.
“It just was a fun bunch that really just loved to have fun together,” Houchin said, “The crowd was smaller and didn’t seem intimidating, but just like a group of friends that loved to have fun together.”
Thankfully for the many guests and performers of the evening as well as the inevitable guests and perfomers-to-be, Kaylyn Hansen, director of housing and also a main director of the event, assures that there should be many more Open Mic Night’s in Northwestern’s future.
“We actually only started doing this last semester,” Hansen reported, adding that before SGA put on a similar event, though more formal in the form of a talent show.
“It seems to have really taken off though with students, and so we’d love to have more of these throughout the semester,” she said.
For the many performers who may be reading this article (or if you just have talented friends or are looking for a new and fun way to hang out!) it’s not to hard to realize that Open Mic Night is the perfect setting for you.
It may be a couple weeks or even months until the next one, but that is all the more time to tune your guitar strings, clear your throat, finish those stanzas or complete the prestige on that magic trick. The stage of the next Open Mic Night will be clear, ready and open just for you.