By GAVIN MENDOZA, Student Reporter

Some Northwestern students came back to school happier this year because mask mandates have been lifted. But do all students feel that way?

Northwestern joined universities across the nation in the fall of 2020 when it imposed a mask mandate for students, faculty and staff on campus. Many universities lifted those mandates going into the fall semester this year, but some have put them back in place amid rising coronavirus case numbers.

In Oklahoma, state law previously barred schools from implementing new mask requirements, but that law has been blocked temporarily by a judge.

The Northwestern News talked to three Rangers to find out their thoughts on masking.

Brogan Winston, a sophomore health and sports management major, said she feels safe without a mask.

“Even when we had a mask mandate on campus, no one really wore them anyways, so it’s no different,” Winston said. “I feel like they might help a little bit, but not enough to make people wear them.”

Winston said she thinks Northwestern is doing a good job of handling the pandemic.

“I think Northwestern should keep doing what they’re doing, encouraging precautions for you to take to stay healthy, but not forcing anything on anyone,” Winston said.

Joshua Cobb, a senior health and sports science major, said he believes it should be up to the university whether or not masks are required.

“I feel like that decision depends on the infection rate of the campus,” Cobb said. “If the campus is doing everything right and keeping cases at a minimum, I see no reason why [masks] should be mandated.”

Cobb, like Winston, said he believes the university’s response to the pandemic has been sufficient.

“Northwestern has handled the pandemic better than most schools in our area,” Cobb said. “We’ve never had to go back to online learning. Professors have cooperated fully with students who have had to quarantine because of the virus. They’ve offered cash incentives to fully vaccinated students and provided students opportunities to get vaccinated on campus.”

Koby Hudson, a junior health and sports science major, said he feels safe without a mandate. He also said he agrees with his fellow Rangers that things should stay how they are.

“Even without the masks, people still maintain a safe distance from each other,” Hudson said.

He said he thinks Northwestern has handled the situation well, but also believes universities should be able to require masks.

“It’s their duty to make sure their students are safe,” he said.