With Northwestern President Dr. Janet Cunningham retiring from the university president’s job in June, Northwestern students say they hope the new president will be a positive force on campus.

Angie Aguilera, a senior music major, said: “I’m hoping for a president that is always willing to try their best despite any setbacks, one that has the betterment of their students at the forefront of their goals. Someone who is willing to grow and change with the times and be invested in the many different cultures of this very diverse campus. And someone who is involved in all aspects whether it be athletics or fine arts.”

Autumn Arencibia, a sophomore elementary education major, said: “I’m hoping that the new president is well experienced and has a great attitude. I hope that they would bring more knowledge and activities to the university and really encourage student involvement on campus.”

Trystan Hammontree, a junior health and sports science major, said: “I hope some class requirements change so I don’t have to take things like speech and other electives that don’t go towards my major.”

Elizabeth McMahan, a junior health and sports science major, said: “I’m hoping that the new president of the university will bring upgrades in the facilities and parking lots.

“I also hope that the new president adds more master programs to the university since I feel like, at this time, I would have to transfer to obtain a master’s degree in an area I’m interested in.”

Carys Delaplane, a senior nursing major, said: “I am hoping that the new president continues to work on improving the school, especially the dorms and campus for the current and future students. I am also hoping that they will continue to do alumni events, since I will be graduating soon, to keep alumni interested and involved with NWOSU.”

Mackenzie Adams, a junior health and sports science major, said: “I would really like to see the new president making an effort to meet the students on campus. I think it really has a positive impact when you see the president talking to students or coming out to our games and trying to be involved with the students who view them as a leader on campus.”

Denton Oestmann, a senior agriculture major, said: “Dr. Cunningham, I think, is leaving some big shoes to fill for the new president. When I think of Dr. Cunningham, I think of someone who has great leadership skills and someone who anyone could go up to and have a one-on-one conversation with. I hope the next president will make all the students feel as welcomed as Dr. Cunningham made me feel.”