Staff Writer

Northwestern asked students to take two campus surveys last week.

The first campus survey was on the campus climate. The survey dealt with questions related to sexual assault and how safe the students feel on campus.

According to Northwestern Director of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness Brooke Taylor, “The campus climate survey is a new thing that all schools will soon be doing and it is to help make sure that our campus remains safe for the students.”

Director of Student Life and Counseling Kaylyn Hansen adds that “The campus climate survey is part of the new Title IX campus regulation and it will become mandatory for all campuses next year. The reason we chose to send it out this year was to give it a test run in order to tailor it to our campus’ specific needs, because we want to make sure that our students and the community feel safe on our campus.”

Taylor said, “Nothing has actually happened; we just want to see how the students respond to the survey.” Hansen said, “Any information we can gain is good and it will help us become better because we are constantly working to keep our community safe.”

The second survey that was sent out is regarding intramural sports. According to Taylor, “The intramural sport survey is to help improve the various intramural activities that we offer throughout the school year. We are looking for ways to improve upon the current activities we have and we also are thinking about adding new activities to the list. The main goal of this survey is to improve our campus activities and to get people involved with our various activities because it helps students become more integrated into the college lifestyle here.”