By CAITLIN HOFEN, Features Editor

The Nutcracker Ballet is a classical Christmastime performance attended by millions of people. Derived from the story “The Nutcracker and the King of Mice,” by E.T.A. Hoffman, the Nutcracker Ballet his been performed for decades across the world by thousands of ballet companies. While each company has their own variation of the story, all follow the same outline.


The story begins on Christmas Eve in the Stahlbaum’s house, set in 19th-century Germany. The large house is adorned with beautiful decorations and the biggest tree one could imagine.

In preparation for their annual Christmas party, Mr. and Mrs. Stahlbaum are checking on last-minute details. Their children, Clara and Fritz, are playing as guests begin to arrive.

With the party in full swing, a mysterious figure lets himself in the parlor.

It is Clara’s godfather, Uncle Drosselmeyer. A toy maker, he produces three dolls: a ballerina doll, a toy soldier and a rag doll. Uncle Drosselmeyer winds up each doll and places them on the floor.

The ballerina dances with beauty and grace. The toy soldier dances stiffly, with strong movements. Lastly, the rag doll dances like she has no joints. The children at the party applaud the show.

Uncle Drosselmeyer gifts each child with a present: stick horses for the boy and little dolls for the girl. All except for Clara.

Despite her disappointment, Clara continues to enjoy the party until Uncle Drosselmeyer approaches her again. From under his cloak, he hands Clara the most beautiful nutcracker doll she’d ever seen. She dances with delight at her gift.

Suddenly, Fritz appears from behind her and tries to snatch the nutcracker away. Clara pulls back.

A loud crack is heard over the music, and the nutcracker lies in pieces on the floor.

Uncle Drosselmeyer comforts Clara and takes the nutcracker under his cloak. When he gives it back to Clara, there is a scarf around its neck. He advises Clara to leave the nutcracker under the tree until Christmas morning.

After the party, Clara lies in bed and thinks of her beautiful nutcracker. When she can’t stand it any longer, Clara creeps down the stairs to check on her doll.


It’s sitting under the tree, right where she had left it. But it seemed to almost smile at her as she lies down on the sofa in the parlor.

As sleep clouded her thoughts, Clara hears scurrying from the corner of the room.

Dozens of mice dart toward the tree and her nutcracker. As the mice get closer to the tree, they grow in size. Each is as big as Clara, with sharp teeth and leathery tails.

A shadow falls across the floor as the Mouse King steps in front of the fire. As tall as a grown man, the Mouse King drags his long claws along the floor as he runs at Clara.

Her scream echoes through the empty house. A figure leaps in front of Clara, protecting her from the attack.

It’s her nutcracker!

He’d come to life, as had Fritz’s toy soldiers he’d left under the tree. The nutcracker and his men fought the Mouse King and his minions. Swords flashed in the firelight, and mice and men fought to the death.

Clara curled up on the sofa, frightened for her beautiful nutcracker. Finally, she took her slipper and threw it at the Mouse King, surprising him.

With a final thrust, the nutcracker stabs his sword through the Mouse King’s chest, causing the battle to cease.

Shocked by their leader’s death, the mice hurry to pull the body away into the dark.

Gladdened by his victory, the nutcracker properly introduces himself to Clara as the Nutcracker Prince. He asks her to accompany him to the Land of Sweets, which she agrees to do.


The Land of Sweets is beyond Clara’s imagination.

The forest is covered with sparkling snow and the entire place is made from candy — even the floors.

The prince introduces Clara to the queen of the Land of Sweets, the Sugar Plum Fairy.

The Sugar Plum Fairy calls out to all her friends to meet Clara and hear the prince’s tale. Each friend is a different sweet, excited to meet their visitor.

The prince recounts his tale of defeating the Mouse King, holding back no detail.

The Sugar Plum Fairy is impressed with Clara’s bravery and declares a day of celebration for the hard-fought victory.

Hundreds of sweets flock to the palace to perform for Clara and the prince.

Each spice and sweet dances for the pair. Some have bright colors, while others have slow, entrancing movements.

Clara is captivated by the performances. The last to go on are the Sugar Plum Fairy and the Nutcracker Prince. Their dance is slow and romantic as he lifts her across the stage.

Clara can’t believe the Sugar Plum Fairy dances on top of her toes.

As they take their final bow, Clara applauds the performers. She wishes she could stay in the Land of Sweets forever.

As she is saying goodbye to her new friends, Clara notices the palace growing darker.

She opens her eyes to see sunlight streaming through the parlor windows.

Clara dashes toward the tree to find her beautiful nutcracker completely new, like Uncle Drosselmeyer said it would be.