By, MICHELLE WILLSON, Features Editor

When I first saw “ death to 20/20 on Netflix I was intrigued. And upon further inspection I realized it was a British mockumentary by the creators of Black mirror So I immediately knew I had to watch it. It stars mini well-known celebrities including Samuel l Jackson, Hugh Grant, Lisa Kudrow, Leslie Jones and many more.

It’s a great storytelling of the atrocious year we had. There are many inside jokes that future generations won’t really understand but we get to a t right now.

They have actors playing “ real jobs “ that tell their side of what happened during the pandemic including a fake psychologist, the average person, a non-official conservative spokesperson a fake historian who just says movie storylines, a gig economy millennial and a fake famous millionaire.

Let me stress that this movie is only for people who can take a joke. Without it scratching you the wrong way. There’s jokes about all subjects including conservatives, liberals and millennials.

Did we use almost no topics left untouched. It covers false information, the vaccine the election lawsuits The split from the royal family and much more.

The movie is in Netflix original that was released December 27th 2020 It’s only 70 minutes long and it’s definitely worth the watch.

The movie has gotten some negative reviews because of the comedy level it’s at. I guess people were wanting a more serious version but I honestly don’t think you can have a serious movie about the catastrophe we call the year 2020. I think that that’s just 20/20 really encompasses the humor of this generation laughing at serious topics which I really enjoy. I give this movie a 5 out of 5. I don’t think that you could say this movie laughs at a certain demographic of people more than others. I was surprised by how well the jokes spread to make fun of all types of people. I think it helps out it was a British production so it really didn’t have one side or the other on the election.

I recommend this movie to anyone who can take a joke and believes that 2020 was a dumpster fire.