By ALIYAH BIDWELL, Student Reporter

Northwestern’s mask mandate remains in effect. But what will students do when it is repealed?

While students don’t know when the mandate will end, the Northwestern News spoke to some students on campus to find out whether students will continue to wear a mask even if the rule is squashed.

Austin Rankin, a freshman political science major, said he would not continue to wear his mask because it is a burden.

“I want the return to normalcy and to be able to feel like I have regular interactions,” Rankin said. “I believe they have a good effect, but if the university did decide to take away the mask mandate, it would be because they have assessed the situation, and they understand it’s not going to be as big of a deal. I would trust the university decision.”

“Wearing a mask is an annoyance that I would rather be without, and I think that it has caused a barrier between me and my friends in terms of social interactions because it is hard to understand people. I understand it is a necessity, but I really wish the mask mandate would be gone.”

Jerika Coon, a junior elementary education major, said she would continue to wear a mask.

“There are pros and cons to not having a mask on because, if someone is already sick, then a mask won’t help them,” Coon said. “I haven’t been affected by any sickness, and I have been keeping my distance.”

Addison Schwerdtfeger, a freshman biology major, said she would continue to wear a mask.

“It doesn’t affect me negatively in any way, and if can help protect other people or myself from catching COVID, then that it is what I would do,” she said. “Masks have helped from not only coronavirus, but also I have noticed that I don’t get sick as often as I used to.

“It hasn’t affected me in any way because I still get to do volleyball and stuff with [the Student Government Association]. I personally haven’t been affected negatively.”

Austin Rankin
Jerika Coon
Addison Schwerdtfeger