by Logan Meriwether, Student Reporter

If you enjoy writing stories, Northwestern Oklahoma State University has a club for you.

The Writer’s Roundtable is open to anyone who loves to write for profit or just for fun. Members write poetry, short stories, creative nonfiction pieces, and numerous other kinds of literature.

The organization holds regular meetings, where members are given writing prompts to which they can respond. Those who do not wish to follow a prompt may do a “free write” and write about topics in which they are interested.

Members are given 20 minutes to write. Once they finish writing, they share their work with the group. They may receive constructive criticism if they wish to.

The group currently has 14 members, most of whom are freshmen. Camille Soderstrom, a sophomore, serves as the club’s president.

Membership in the club is free, and those who wish to join may do so at any time by attending one of the club’s meetings. Meetings are held every other Tuesday in Vinson Hall room 200. The next meeting will be held Nov. 5 at 5 p.m.

The club is open to all students regardless of their anticipated majors.

The only requirement for prospective members is that they enjoy writing with friends, said Soderstrom.

Josiah Marshall joined the club last semester, and he said he enjoys writing in his free time.

He first started writing in high school, and his love for it has carried over into college. Marshall said he enjoys collaborating with his peers, and he appreciates the fact that club members are able to take artistic liberties with the writing prompts. Marshall said he often “twists” the prompts into plots for video games.

The club hosts various events around campus. Next semester, the club plans to sponsor a creative writing contest.
For more information, contact Soderstrom at