By TARA OWEN, Senior Reporter

The Northwestern department of fine arts will be performing “The Wizard of Oz” on Nov.23 at 2 p.m.
This production will also be presented to children of local schools Nov. 21 and 22. The children’s play will be in the Feller’s Family Auditorium in Herod Hall.
“We are excited to be back in the space and do what we do,” Mickey Jordan, Instructor of Technical Theatre said.
As the auditorium has previously been under construction, the department has been unable to have production this semester. However, Kimberly Weast, Fine Arts department chair explained in some ways she is excited to start with the children’s show.
“It really is my favorite production to direct, I love the response of 400 kids in the audience,” Weast said. “I always love their interactions so that always makes me happy.”
Some of the inspiration for the section of “The Wizard of Oz” as this year’s children’s play was the fact that this year marks the 85th anniversary. The movie “Wicked” will also be coming out the same week that this will be performed.
Jadyn Hendrickson will be playing the role of Dorothy, she shared how she grew up watching the movie.
“I even had a pair of ruby slippers I used to wear as a kid, this is a real dream come true for me,” Hendrickson said.
There are many important lessons in the storyline of “The Wizard of Oz.” Each audience member can walk away with different life lessons.
“I think the most important message is that going out on your own isn’t such a bad thing and it’s important to find your way,” Hendrickson said.
Weast explained how “The Wizard of Oz” is a story of acceptance. Along with the need to rise to the occasion we often find ourselves in situations to get out of our comfort zones.
“I want children and teachers to walk out and think what fear we are living in and how do we help each other overcome that,” Weast said.
For more information about the fine arts department head to
- Date: Nov. 23
Time: 2 p.m.
Place: Feller’s Family Auditorium - Nov. 21 and 22
Shows for local elementary schools will be held during the day.