‘Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey’ shows viewers the power of believing in yourself

By MICHELLE WILLSON, Editor-in-Chief

Jingle Jangle: a Christmas Journey is a 2020 Christmas fantasy film.

The movie follows the story of a toy inventor named Jeronicus Jingle who lost all of his inventions to his apprentice who stole his book. Throughout the years he had to watch as his apprentice became the number one toy maker of the year with The inventions from his book.

As he tried to make up for all of his lost inventions his wife sadly dies and he loses all belief in himself and what he creates. He loses touch with his only daughter and turns his invention factory into a pawnbroker shop. He swore off inventing and had giving up with life.

His daughter Jessica receives a letter that appears to be from Jeronicus asking Journey to come to his invention shop. Jessica agrees and sends Journey off.

When Journey arrives Jeronicus acts surprised that she’s there. You come to find out that Journey wrote the letter to herself. She wants to be an inventor like her grandfather. Her grandfather is now a senile old man to is no longer inventing anything. But Journey hopes to change that.

He finds one of his old inventions in his shop that works but as soon as she tries to show him it doesn’t. Is apprentice Gustafson runs out of inventions from jingles old book so he returns to the shop to see if he can steal something else.

He ends up stealing a invention dubb buddy 3000 But when he goes to showcase it doesn’t work. Journey and jingles new apprentice Edison sneak into gustafson’s factory and steal buddy back. They now must work to fix what is left of buddy.

This is a new take on a Christmas movie that I think is much needed. As much as I love Hallmark movies they get kind of redundant adding a fantasy element like Jingle Jangle: a Christmas journey has completely changed up the storyline.

The outfits worn in the movie and the musical numbers make it feel as if it’s in the same universe as the greatest show. The musical numbers do not take away from the storyline. It’s a creative way to show the characters thoughts and feelings without giving away too much in the dialogue.

I love that the story has a strong young female protagonist and shows how much you can accomplish if you just believe.

I rate this movie 5 out of 5. It’s magnificent, I recommend it to anyone who liked the greatest showman, anyone who likes fantasy and really anyone who likes Christmas movies in general. It’s a great family-friendly show you can find it on Netflix. This was a great movie to come out this year, especially during the pandemic, because it just gives that little extra Christmas feeling that I was missing.

10 out of 10 I would watch it again. It’s one of those movies that I don’t see becoming boring anytime soon. The ending perfectly ties up this movie and a little bow it leaves no questions left unanswered It gives a much needed connection.