By LOGAN MERIWETHER, Student Reporter

Miles Davis once said, “time isn’t the main thing. It is the only thing.”

As college students, we face many challenges when it comes to balancing our free time with school. Time seems to be one of the hardest challenges.

We all want to enjoy college as much as possible, but have a hard time balancing our school responsibilities.

I find it best to plan out a certain amount of time each day that I sit down and work on homework before leaving to go hangout with friends.

Just a couple hours a day can relieve a whole lot of stress from your school workload.

Another great thing to do is have group homework sessions with your friends. Even if you are not in the same class, you can still get together every day for a couple hours to work on homework. Even just a few times a week will help.

This will help not only you, but also your friends to stay ahead on schoolwork.

Also, having your friends there will make schoolwork more fun and if you are having trouble in one of your classes you can get help from them at the same time.

Good time management is the key to balancing both and not procrastinating until the last minute to do your work.

There are also going to be times you will not have much free time at all because you have a couple tests that week or your teachers gave you a lot of homework.

The best solution for weeks like this is make sure you are reading your syllabus every week and taking note of times you think are going to be busier than usual. You may have to start studying or working on some of next week assignments the week before to keep yourself from being totally overwhelmed.

Remember fellow students, time is the only thing, manage it well and you will succeed not only in your classes, but in life as well.