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NWOSU track athletes face an interesting challenge this semester: students will be missing some classes almost every week throughout the semester due to competitions.

Two athletes talked about the problems they face and how they cope with it all.

Riley Herndon, a freshman who competes in the 1 mile and 3,000-meter races, said demands of competing definitely affects class attendance. This makes it quite stressful for him. To deal with this his strategy is to stay organized, planning the days to keep everything in order.

When it comes to missing class, he says, “I tell teachers about a week in advance and I remind them the day before I leave.”

Hannah Appleton, a junior who throws shot put, discus, hammer and weight, also finds the competition schedule demanding.

“It is definitely stressful,” she said, “especially since I am in an education major and our classes have required a 90% attendance rate.”

“Our coaches gave us a calendar at the beginning of the semester, and I share it with my professors,” Appleton said. “When it is time to miss class, I talk to them in person or send them an email.”.

Both athletes stress the importance of getting ahead academically.

Herndon said, “I have every day planned, classes, practices.” Appleton added, “I keep a planner and I look to my syllabus, plan everything out and work ahead of it.”

“We have this study routine every day at 7 p.m., helping us academically,” Herndon explained.

Appleton suggests keeping open communication with professors. “When you communicate and stay on top of things or work ahead, they would be more likely to help you out,” she said.

Coach Derrick Young said the coaches use the indoor meets as training to improve for the outdoor season. While the team will have GAC outdoor track championship races, there will be no indoor championship competition in Oklahoma, until next year, Young said.

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