The Northwestern Rangers tightend/fullback core for the spring of 2021. The author believes that trying new things will increase your perception of life.

By J.D. Eddy, Editorial EditThe Northwestern Rangers tightend/fullback core for the spring of 2021. The author believes that trying new things will increase your perception of life.

To do what makes you happy is to risk it all. The objective is to allow yourself to experience different opportunities.

I recently rejoined the football team. I’ve been thinking about this for a while. With the football team hiring a new head coach, it seemed like the perfect time to come back. Now, I have some ground to make up. Not being on a football field for years competitively is going to set me back. I am behind in terms of: knowing the plays, having chemistry with the team and having trust built with the coaching staff. But, even with those factors, I still want to finish out my last year and try to create a foundation for future Rangers.

The Northwestern Rangers tightend/fullback core for the spring of 2021. The author believes that trying new things will increase your perception of life.

If there is something you want to do, whether it be playing a sport, starting a business or getting a job, go for it. You miss out on the most fun times of your life if you don’t.

You won’t get these real-world experiences that you need to thrive in this day and age. Being multifaceted, a jack of all trades, is important. It allows you to have a more diverse range of skills. You can experience more. There will be more incentive to hire you, keep you on, be around you and maintain relationships you make while doing these things.

The negatives need to be mentioned, however. The thing is, not all of these will work out for the best.

Things can go wrong. You can lose money, scholarships, friends or your love for this activity. This is not to discourage you from trying new things. Instead, I mean to tell you there are things that can go wrong.

This should be more motivation to succeed at whatever it is you are doing. The best thing for that is to set attainable goals for yourself. Set out to do something you can strive for that is within reach and reason, but if that is not something that can be reached, then you can still try and make it work. Even if you don’t succeed try, try, try again.

If you have something that you’ve been wanting to do, but never thought you could, now is the time.

J.D. Eddy graduated in the spring of 2022, being the second person in his family to graduate from college.

I started my own photography business and never expected to get anything from it. I didn’t expect it to take off. The lesson I learned is that we can sometimes do better than we expect. It’s all about trying new things, setting goals for yourself and applying yourself to the dream you have. It’s how you learn. It is how we evolve as humans and how we can expand our views of the world, people and ourselves.

I enjoy trying new things. Being open to change is one of the better qualities I think that I have and intend to keep it. This is a quality that keeps me going. I do not like to be stuck in the same pattern day to day; instead, I want new things to show up. Whether it be work, school or even sports, I want something to be different.

I want to see what is best for the organization and how its members conduct themselves.

This is something that sticks with me all the time. Trying new things, exploring options, doing what you want to do and just being ambitious enough to make it happen – these are commendable.

If you want to voice your opinion, write a letter to the editor, whether it be controversial or just a thought you have. The Northwestern News and I would love to hear it.