Opinion Editor

“Twister” is the famously iconic film about natural disasters that take place in the state of Oklahoma.

The movie includes the participation of memorable actors. Not only does the movie include scenes of the numerous disasters that towns in Oklahoma suffer throughout severe weather, but it also introduces a dramatic story that puts the characters of the movie in positions to overcome challenges due to their personal relationships.

Overall, the movie is an all-time classic, and even though some of the special effects may not look as good as they do now, it is still the original idea of a movie bringing the dangerous side of living in Oklahoma into theaters.

Although the movie can exaggerate some factors of tornadoes, hurricanes and storms; the movie may still be important for those who live in Oklahoma since it is a close representation of what it is like living in the state of Oklahoma.

On the other hand, we have “Twisters,” the stand-alone sequel of the first movie which does not bring back anyone from the original cast, but the audience still connected with the new faces in the film.

The film feels like its own concept, it does not have a direct connection to the first one and still manages to offer an original storyline with new characters and a new visual effect of tornadoes.

Many students can agree that this movie was great, but for some reason the movie does not feel as iconic as the first one.

The editor-in-chief, Alli Schieber is one of the “Twisters” fans, who has not seen the first one, that would also agree with some movie reviews that is one of the greatest films released this year.

It is fun to know that we have some students here at Northwestern that can agree and disagree to which movie was better.

“Twisters” gained the love of many fans because it was targeted for our current generation.

It seems that the popularity of the film gained a lot of popularity due to the participation of Glen Powell, and it is obvious that the movie’s popularity increased with the numerous edits in social media of Powell.

In my opinion “Twister” is a better than the sequel.

The sequel was great, the characters are fantastic, and the plot is unlike any other.

The first movie was more iconic due to its original ideas and concepts, but I personally preferred the drama between the characters of Dr. Jo and Bill.

Even though the main story of “Twisters” tells the story of Dr. Jo and Bill going through their divorce, the movie still manages to introduce other crew members and side characters that have their unique personalities.

The sequel also has its own characters, but they felt somewhat cliche to the typical movie character. It was still surprising to see how the story takes a different path to what usual movies do.

It is intriguing to see how the characters change their personalities from the beginning of the movie until the end, and it is also nostalgic to see Oklahoma back in the 90s when we were not technologically advanced as we are now.

Hopefully in the future, “Twisters” becomes a classic movie so we can call it a classic movie from our generation.

I still recommend seeing both movies due to how fun it is to watch them and because they both can be perfect for a movie night.

The sequel was the perfect event to reunite the majority of Oklahoma’s residents into theaters to see their beloved towns being brought up into the big screens, hopefully we can have more cinematic projects that take place in Oklahoma.

With nothing else to say I think we as residents are more than welcome to proudly support movies that are originally filmed in around the state, and hopefully people from other states know a little more of what it is like living in Oklahoma.

Alli Schieber takes a mirror selfie, which makes the words on her “Twisters” inspired shirt appear backwards.