by Jordan Green, News Editor

Though Veteran’s Day has passed, I would like to say “Thank you” to those who have so selflessly served our great country. We encourage you to do the same today – and every day.

While the United States celebrates many important patriotic holidays, perhaps the most important is Armistice Day, which honors those great men and women who have fought for our freedoms.

Since our great nation was born, its guiding principles – life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness – have been protected by millions of honorable men and women who have so courageously put their lives on the line to ensure that we may live in peace.

Without their praiseworthy efforts, our country would not be the great nation we know it to be. Since the colonists fought for their independence from Britain; since the world went to war in order to end Nazi oppression; and since our own homeland was so viciously attacked by those from far away, courageous American men and women have signed up to safeguard the greatest country in the world: The United States of America. Our veterans did not waver on their promises to defend us. When the wolf growled at the door, they stood ready; when duty called, they answered.

Veteran’s Day pays homage to these outstanding individuals. But for their great commitments to our freedom, one holiday is not enough. Each and every day, take time to thank the veterans you know for their service to our country. Thank not only those who have served, but also those who are serving and those who will serve.

To all of our veterans: Thank you.