A free watercolor work-shop open to all North-western Oklahoma State University stu-dents and employees will be offered Tuesday, Nov. 17, from 6:30 to 9 p.m. in the Jesse Dunn Art Annex, room 327.

The workshop is being presented by the Northwestern Visual Arts program and the NWOSU Art Society (NAS). It will be led by Jackie Feng, the cur-rent Artist-in-Residence at Northwestern, and Kyle Larson, assistant professor of art.

“Attendees will view and discuss watercolor paintings made by con-temporary artists and past masters, learn wa-tercolor techniques and processes, and create their own unique wa-tercolor compositions,” Larson said.

Supplies will be provid-ed, and refreshments will be served as the group views and dis-cusses the completed paintings at the end of the workshop.

Larson asked those planning to attend the workshop to contact him or Angelia Case, NAS sponsor, by Nov. 13 so that they may plan ahead for the nec-essary supplies need-ed.

For more information on this workshop, Lar-son may be reached at (580) 327-8108 or krlarson@nwosu.edu.