“Making cookies with my family. It was my favorite Because we got to spend time with family for the holidays.”
-Dylan Nelson freshman
“This Christmas will be my favorite because it will be my first Christmas with my eight month old son.”
-Que Cherry freshman
“A couple years ago my cousin that worked on a ranch in Texas passed away and last christmas his mom got all the cousins pillows made out of his button up shirts. So we can always hold and hug when we are missing him.”
-Hunter Crenshaw freshman
“Gathering all together at 12 am and opening gifts with everyone. It’s a family tradition.
My family is very traditional, I like seeing everyone happy and all together. Everyone is spending time together. It is not about the gifts but the family.”
-Xavier Fuentes sophomore
‘“Getting her childhood jackson dog. We were in an ice storm and we had to rush to go get him. The family had a blast with him.”
-Brooklyn Parker sophomore
“My favorite christmas memories would be On christmas eve we go to my grandparents house and have fondue. It’s my favorite because it was definitely Unique and fun compared to all the other ones.”
-Couper Frisendahl
“ One of my favorite Christmas memories is waking up to a living room full of
It was the only time it ever happened, but it was a lot of fun.”
-Ash Crites junior
“ On christmas eve, my mom was riding a bike around the backyard and I was really excited because I saw that I was getting a bike for christmas. But I was kind of bummed because I found out Santa was fake. It was my favorite memory because I got a bike. “
-Garrett Redden freshman
“ When I was a little, my grandma, cousins and I used to make popcorn balls for halloween and christmas” it was my favorite memory because it’s the only holiday thing we did where there was no conflict, just popcorn.”
-Jaden Matthews junior