
As college students with less-than-perfect bank accounts we often find ourselves working very hard with at least one job and sometimes more, to later open the wallet and find maybe a torn dollar bill and a few not-so-shiny pennies. I’m sure it’s all too familiar for you as well as for me, maybe more often than we care to admit.

So, what are some ways we can pinch a few more pennies without starving or living in a box? Here are a few ideas.

  1. Set a goal to save with each paycheck, even if it’s only $1, it adds up. Set a total goal, keep it in an envelope in a safe or hidden place. When you reach the total goal treat yourself. That movie you’ve wanted to buy on DVD is much more indulging than that candy bar you just spent your last few dollars on.
  2. Another idea is to set a budget. Set what needs to be paid with this check so that the next one can be used to pay another thing and still be able to put food on the table. Don’t just try to pay it all with one check so thinking that the next one will then be “spending” money. Because, well, something will come up and you’ll be broke and hungry.
  3. Think about what you’re buying and if it’s absolutely necessary. If not, forget about it.
  4. Focus on things that you could change. Do you drive to school? Walk. Do you buy lunch more often than you need to? Pack one.

There are many different ways to save money and everyone has their own way of saving, but I hope I have given you all some tips if you’re in a rut and can’t get out.