By, ALIYAH BRIDWELL, Student Reporter

Northwestern students are two weeks into the spring semester. How are they feeling about the semester so far? The Northwestern News asked five students what they hope to see happen in 2021.

Collin Zink, a sophomore health and sports science major, said: “I feel great about this semester. I’m nervous about keeping up with my classes during quarantine. I think most students are being safe. Some of them are not following the rules.

“I think the university officials are doing the best to stay safe. I’ll continue to wear a mask.”

Victoria Caywood, a sophomore education major, said: “I am excited and also nervous about school this semester. I am nervous about doing well in my classes. I think we could all do better to remember to wear a mask.

“I think Covid has been tough for everyone. I feel that our staff is doing the best they can and doing very well. I plan to wear a mask and wash my hands regularly.”

Maleah Schmitz, a junior general studies major, said: “I feel as though too many students are worried about whether they get to play whatever sport they play or experiencing the so called ‘college experience.’

“I feel like a majority of students are not being cautious and still attending off-campus parties and get together where no precautions are being taken.

“With their carelessness comes the risk of further spreading the virus. … I feel like they [school administrators] are truly trying their best, but with a large student body, the administration is simply outnumbered.

When a whole team gets quarantined, how can one person track where 10 different people have been in the previous days leading up to their illness?

“I feel administration is doing as much as they are capable of; however, there is only so much they can do. A lot of the responsibility really lies in the hands of the students.”

Caitlyn Pray, a senior agriculture communications major, said: “I am very excited and thankful to be returning to Northwestern this semester. I love the opportunity to engage with friends and people in person, and I personally learn a lot better in-person, so I am very grateful we’re resuming in-person classes.

“I think I’m most nervous about the repercussions of having to quarantine if I would have to. I see students across campus following Covid safety rules and being precautious [sic], and so I’d say students are doing a great job of preventing the spread.

“Of course, there are exceptions and just natural times that you can’t live your life in a mask, which limits safety some, but I don’t think to a lethal extent. I think the university officials are doing a fantastic job at balancing safety and practicality to give the campus its comfortable, at-home feel as much as possible while also responsibly providing safety and comfort in the midst of Covid.

“For me, I intend to wear masks in appropriate places and settings and adjust interactions with those who are more concerned with the virus than I am to make sure they feel comfortable.”

Feliciti Wall, a freshman, said: “I love being here. As a kid, my only life goal was to go to college, and it makes me happy that I’m here and I get to experience college life, and I’m grateful that we’re back.

“I’m nervous about online school and having to move back home. Honestly, the students could do better with masks and going to friends, but I also know that we’re being more responsible than other colleges and their students. … [O]nline would be a better option; however, students would be less motivated at home and not do most of their work.

“I wear my mask when I can. I stay in Alva as much as I can. When I go out, it’s for necessary things, and I hang out with my friends at a safe distance.”
