“I already don’t have TikTok now. I deleted it back in my freshman year when COVID-19 was a really big thing, just because I spent so much time scrolling through it and I was like there are better things to do with my time. So, for me personally, TikTok being banned isn’t a large ordeal. I already use Instagram as a social media platform. It’s sad, especially for small influencers and small businesses that are using TikTok, but they could also move to Instagram. There are Instagram Reels that are really similar. I think it could be a good thing for people who have an addiction to their cell phones to take a break from TikTok for awhile.”

“My thoughts on the potential TikTok ban, I think it’s kind of stupid. I feel like there’s more problems that need to be looked over. Like, I understand not having TikTok on like work phones and like cancelling it out, but just the removal of it is dumb because there’s so much informational facts that you can gain from it. I’ve been typically on Instagram lately, so I think I’m just gonna keep staying on that platform or YouTube.”

“My thoughts on it are just let it be. Just let people keep TikTok. I feel like it’s a good thing to the public, just like everyone to use. I really don’t be on TikTok as much. I would say YouTube, really, honestly. YouTube, Instagram, or something like that. Other things like that are good as well.”

“So, I used to have TikTok a while back and I actually deleted it because it just made me scroll and scroll and there’s just so much mindless scrolling and I had like no time for anything. I actually switched to Instagram Reels which, in my opinion, is more funny and people can just communicate better. TikTok getting banned doesn’t really affect me, but I know it will affect a lot of people, but hopefully it will get them off their phones at least.”

“I think TikTok is a community like no other social media platform has ever been or will ever be. TikTok has helped so many people from people who were bored during lockdown and posted a silly video that went viral leading them to continue to make videos and eventually making a living off of it, to people who post on it for advice or help with a situation. It will be unfortunate if it ever really gets banned.”

“I think it’s incredibly dangerous really, because we share a lot of news on there and it’s a great way for people to stay informed. I am fifty-fifty on if it’s going to get banned, I’m leaning more towards it will. People seem very serious about it. And, if it does get banned then I’m switching to RedNote as a lot of people are.”

“My thoughts is, it’s not a huge deal because all the content on TikTok is all over the place anyways and I mainly watch Instagram Reels anyways. So, if it gets banned I’ll just stay on Instagram most of the time.”

“Honestly, I don’t think it’s going to get banned. I think it’s really just like a publicity stunt. But, if it do get banned, I’m just gonna go to Instagram. That’s my big thing, I like Instagram.”

“I am thoroughly disappointed because we’ve had threats of it getting banned in the past and they’ve always went away, but this time I think it’s pretty serious. I’ve had TikTok since it was musical.ly and I spend about two hours a day on it. I have a time limit and I reach it every day. So, I need to do something else with my time. I’d probably, maybe watch some Instagram Reels. I used to watch YouTube before TikTok was really a thing, but now my attention span is super short, so probably Instagram Reels.”