Opinion Editor

There were some renovations made to the cafeteria not so long ago and the students made interesting opinions on how it has improved.

The main improvements of the cafeteria were the space, some of the furniture, the floor, and the menu has been changed a bit.

Honestly, I do not go to the cafeteria at all, but I can notice the appreciation toward the staff who worked hard for this to be done.

It is admirable to see how this project started and ended this summer, and now it is almost like a brand new cafeteria.

The building did not change at all, but you can still notice where the changes and the work has been done.

Brian Pharies
Jesse Dunn custodian

What do you think aboout the food? I love the food here. You can get all you can for under $8, so when I get 10 meals a week for 80 bucks and it’s all you can eat, there’s nothing better in the planet for me.

What do you think about the improvements made? They actually turned out really well. I like how they brought back hot dogs and stuff like that, and the flooring looks good.

Were the changes necessary? They kind of needed it to get renovated.

Kade Williams
Business management major

What do you think aboout the food? I like the food, it’s good. It has its highs and lows, but overall, good.

What do you think about the improvements made? Renovations look great, it’s a good place to come eat.

Were the changes necessary? I don’t know how it looked before, but I like the way it looks now.

Drew Scott
Business administration major

What do you think aboout the food? The food has been pretty good this year, pretty solid.

What do you think about the improvements made? They look good.

Were the changes necessary? I think so. I think it made it more popular. the best imporvement so far, was the space.

Landon Wright
Accounting major

What do you think aboout the food? It’s definitely better than the food in high schoool, I’ll tell you that. The best to get here is in the stir fry or anything in the chipotle bar is good.

What do you think about the improvements made? I think they are pretty nice and good.

Were the changes necessary? Oh yes, for sure.

Caleb Deal
Business administration major

What do you think about the food? My favorite thing here is the stir fry station and the chicken.

What do you think about the improvements made? I like them a lot; it looks very nice.

Were the changes necessary? Yes, they were. It looks a lot nicer, but the best improvement made to it was the music.

Keefer Stegman
Health and sports science major

What do you think aboout the food? If I could give it a grade scale, it would probably be a B plus. It could be a little bit better, but I enjoy it.

What do you think about the improvements made? They’re pretty nice and good for what it is. The best thing of the cafeteria is probably the waffle station.

Were the changes necessary? I’m not totally sure.