Online Writer

What are you really in college for? You leave your parent’s house and head to college to start your new life. But what is the point of college? Once you get to school, as a freshman, you go to all your classes and do all your assignments. You are here to get a degree, to find a good job, and to make lots of money. Right? But once a few months pass, you find out you can skip your classes, skip assignments, but then it becomes a habit. You also find out about parties, staying out until the sun comes up, and getting into things you should not be getting into. You come to college because you wanted an education, but now you are at college for a better social status.

If what I just talked about pertains to you, even in the slightest form, you need to have a reality check. You are not paying for college just to party. Maybe you aren’t even paying for your school. If your parents, the college, or someone else is paying for it, how are you repaying them? Be sure to balance out your social events and going to class and making good grades. Don’t let something that is “cool” now affect something that would be “cool” in the future. Make sure you have your priorities straight, and are doing what you are here to do.