Drawings of football players are displayed in windows of Ryerson Hall as shown Wednesday morning. Members of the Northwestern Art Society made the drawings a few years ago, and they grace the building’s windows during Homecoming week.

In other Homecoming news, the winners of the Homecoming Decorating Contest have been announced.

In the door/window category, first place went to Coach Jill Lancaster; second place went to the dean of faculty’s office; third place went to the university housing office.

In the dormitory category, first place went to South Hall; second place went to Fryer Hall; and third place went to Coronado Hall.

In the office/department category, first place went to the university business office; second place went to the athletics department; third place went to the library.

In the spirit sheets category, the art society won the Best of Show Award; the Student Government Association won the Creativity Award; and the Medical Sciences Club won the Ranger Spirit Award.

-Photos by Jordan Green