By LANEY COOK, Student Reporter

A small-town photo shoot turned into an 18-page feature in a magazine from France.

Gracie Scarbrough, a junior business administration major at Northwestern, was featured in the Valentine’s Day edition of Moevir, a magazine in Paris, France, by modeling for a jewelry company in Alva.

In December, local photographer Brooke Fuller asked Scarbrough to model for Lady Daze Fine Jewelry, owned by Liz Anderson.

Anderson needed someone to show off her custom-made jewelry, and she found Scarbrough to fit the part, Fuller said.

Fuller said Anderson makes her jewelry and tries to find people to model it. Anderson found Fuller on Facebook, and after reaching out to her, the two asked Scarbrough to be the model.

“I had never met Liz before the photo shoot,” Scarbrough said. “That was a really fun experience, getting to meet her the day I modeled for her.”

The photo shoot took place in January after snow had fallen across northwest Oklahoma. For the photo shoot, Fuller and Scarbrough went to an old church in Alva owned by Mark Wallace, who allowed them to take photos on the church grounds.

Fuller said Wallace had a lot of stuff lying around that they were able to use as props.

They finished up the photo shoot in the lobby of a salon in downtown Alva.
“We thought with the snow and the yellow dress, the pictures would turn out really well,” Fuller said. “So, we got her out there in the freezing weather and made it happen.”

Fuller said there was a point when she thought that Scarbrough couldn’t feel her body anymore because it was so cold. She was posing for a picture on her back with her legs kind of kicked up, shaking.

“But when I asked her about it, she just kind of laughed and said, ‘Oh, my abs are just starting to hurt,’ so I kept on taking pictures,” Fuller said with a chuckle.

Anderson submitted the pictures to the magazine, and staff members there picked them up soon, Fuller said.

Scarbrough said she loved being able to perform ballet dances during the photo shoot, even though the air was cold.

“It’s really rare anymore for people to be in ballet,” Scarbrough said. “Being able to still do it and have fun made the experience that much better.”

Above: Gracie Scarbrough poses for a portrait taken by Brooke Fuller, owner of Be Fuller Photography. Scarbrough, a Northwestern student, was featured in a French fashion magazine in February.
In these photos, Gracie Scarbrough poses for portraits taken by Brooke Fuller, owner of Be Fuller Photography. Scarbrough, a Northwestern student, was featured in a French fashion magazine in February.