by Ethan Everson, Student Reporter

The NWOSU women’s basketball team volunteered at Beadles.

The Lady Ranger basketball team did a community service event for Beadles Nursing Home this past week.

The team wanted to give back to the Alva community, and this is just the start.

Coach Tasha Diesselhort was excited to do this for all the residents in the nursing home and she said, “We love to see the reactions of the residents’ faces after all that we did for them.” They did as much as they could to help the home look and feel better. They cleaned the outside part of the home by picking up trash.

Red shirt Junior Kinsey Neiderer said, “It’s important of us to give back to the community because of all the things that the community does for us and NWOSU.”

The NWOSU Lady Rangers spent over three hours at the nursing home also repainting and cleaning up little areas of the outside part. Senior Bailey Brown said, “we always want to help the community anyway we can. They never fail to fill up our stadium seats, so we wanted to find a way to give back.”

Coach Diesselhorst put the girls on Facebook live to let everyone see what they were doing for the nursing home, and promoting Northwestern Oklahoma State lady’s basketball team.

Everyone watching was amazed by how they were doing so much for them, definitely spreading kindness and good spirits for everyone to see.
The Lady Rangers definitely want to do more projects for the future, but not sure what kind projects.

“Because of COVID it has been hard to get more projects like these, but if another comes that we can do I’m sure we’ll do it again.” Neiderer said.