By DEVYN LANSDEN, Editorial Editor

From left: Devyn is pictured with Juliet Chaloupek and Gracie Scarbrough hiding in balloons Nov. 13 after Ranger Preview in Percefull Fieldhouse.

We only have a few more weeks until Christmas break. But next week is Thanksgiving break; I cannot believe it.

This past week and weekend was a busy one because Ranger Preview was Saturday.

All week, I was posting about it on the recruitment social media. I had to make a video a day. It was fun to get to be active and post about it.

I love Ranger Preview. It is such a fun event that Northwestern hosts for students.

The Vanilla Bean opened a week ago, and my boyfriend and I went to eat Friday afternoon.

The Vanilla Bean is my favorite place to eat in Alva.

I was so happy when they finally opened after they changed locations. They have been busy, and that is a good thing.

If you have not tried their food, you should.

They have a seating area, and they serve bakery items, coffee, breakfast and anything you can think of. It will be a nice, new addition to Alva since there are limited options here.

The day before Ranger Preview, some friends of mine and I chalked the sidewalks of campus, and then we had to set everything up at 9 p.m. We had to be there at 7 a.m. the next day.

The morning of Ranger Preview was all running around and getting the last details set up. I was working at the registration table, so for about an hour and a half straight, I was busy.

It made the event go by a lot faster.

Once registration was over, I had to take a group of students on a tour.

I was glad I only had to do one tour with about seven people. The other groups had to do groups of 50 or more because the students brought their parents.

When I got done with my tour, I got back to help clean everything up. My friends and I gathered all of the balloons we aired up before the event started, and we almost floated away.

The clean-up part after Ranger Preview ends is the best part because everyone is a lot more loosened up because the hard part is over with.

Once the event was over, I got to go home and relax a little bit before the football game started. It was the last football game, and I took pictures at it.

I can’t believe I will not be taking pictures at another Ranger football game. But now I get to go and take pictures at the basketball games, so I am excited for that.

I am glad the Rangers beat Southwestern for their last game.

Sunday I did not do much. I cooked and went to the gym, and that was about it.

This week I am going to get all my homework done and be caught up so I will not have to do anything over Thanksgiving break.

I hope you all do that too and do not procrastinate. I always like myself a lot better when I get all my homework done for the week early because something always comes up, and that way I am able to get everything done without stressing.

When I come back from Thanksgiving, expect some pictures of Otis and my two dauchshunds and both of my cats because we all know I will be taking pictures of all of them.

I am so ready to see all of my family and be with them.

Eating good food is what I am the most ready for, of course.

I am going to enjoy those days off and not think about projects or tests I will have over the break. I hope you all do, too.

Have a fun and safe break.

From left: Devyn is pictured with Juliet Chaloupek and Gracie Scarbrough on November 13 after Ranger Preview in Percefull Fieldhouse.