TV Reviewer

Not many people are fans of WWE.
Those that are, have more than likely watched WrestleMania 34 this past Sunday night on the WWE Network. WrestleMania is by far THE EVENT for the WWE. The one paperview every year that wrestlers aspire to be part of, even when the show has sadly lost some of its glamour through the years.
This used to be the paperview that everyone was ecstatic to see. Now, it’s just a really long paperview that ranges from meh to good, all the while missing out on so many opportunities, so many promises matches and stories to tell, and wasted potential. This year’s WrestleMania, much like its predecessors, did a lot of things wrong while also managing to pull together great moments.
For starters, most of the matches were either blah or simply failed to live up to the hype. AJ Styles’ match with Shinsuke Nakamura could have been great, but didn’t meet expectations. Another match in mind is Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns.
Whether you like these competitors or not, people can’t deny that these guys can deck it out and pull of an amazing match. Instead of doing that, it was big move after big move with no attempt to create anything of substance, just punch here throw there and land on a table here. Also, the wrong guy won, which was a common theme during the paperview.
The best match of the night had to go to the Smackdown Women’s Champion Charlotte and the undefeated Asuka. The clear winner should have been Asuka, there wasn’t a doubt in anyone’s mind, but then Charlotte came out on top, and the undefeated streak is gone, making Asuka look like just any other competitor, which is bad because the intrigue is now gone. Not to mention the “squash” match between The Undertaker and John Cena that quite literally sucked. That match shouldn’t have happened end of discussion.
Still, there were a few things that went well Sunday night. Daniel Bryan made his triumphant return to wrestling after a severe neck injury he kept in the shelves for nearly three years.
Rhonda Rousey wasn’t polished, but looked good as usual in her match, which shows her commitment to the business.
Aside from a couple other small storylines finally advancing, WrestleMania 34 was a bust filled with the wrong winners and wrong decisions.