By Mckayla Holson

Student Reporter

Do you enjoy writing? Well Writer’s Roundtable is for you. This campus club, organized by Mrs. Allen, gives students a safe place to write, and sometimes even share their stories with others. But don’t worry, you don’t have to share if you don’t want to.

President Patricia Pixler, an English and psychology major, says that even the Vice President has never shared a story or poem.

This club isn’t just for English or creative writing majors either, anyone can join. The overall goals of the group are to develop skills, become better writers, become comfortable presenting work and accepting the constructive commentary of peers.

Phillip Hudson, a creative writing major, says his plan for the year is to figure out the different ideas floating around in his head.

Pixler hopes to increase membership, have a bake sale and to have at least one reading. As president, she would also like to see members become comfortable with their writings and presentations.

She said you sometimes forget that writing can be fun, and this group helps you remember that.

If this sounds like a club for you, or one that you might be interested in, head down to Vinson Hall 213 on Tuesday Sept. 25th for their next meeting.

The meeting begins at 5:15 PM. The meetings are held every other Tuesday. They hope to see you there!