By MICHELLE WILLSON, Features Editor

Imagine a whole day where you and your siblings get to call the shots and your parents have to say yes. That’s the entire premise of the new Netflix movie “Yes Day.”

“ Yes day” premiered March 5 on Netflix. It follows a family as they struggle to agree. The kids see the mom as a dictator, and the mom sees it as parenting. The whole premise of the show is that, for 24-hour period, the parents have to say yes.

Now if you are a parent or if you have been around kids, you can automatically see all the things that are going to go wrong. The show sets out some criteria for a yes day, like distance they can travel, amount of money they can spend and so on.

This is a family-friendly movie. It would be perfect to watch on family movie nights.

I feel like the movie started out a little slow to begin with, but I was pleasantly surprised with the character arcs, especially of the eldest daughter and the mom.

The daughter is just at the age where she wants some more independence, but she’s not really ready for it, and she doesn’t realize that. It will get her into some issues throughout the movie.

The movie does show an accurate depiction of sibling dynamics and family issues. That was really easy to relate to considering I have my own siblings.

It also shows the struggle between being the nice parent and being the mean parent and how everyone needs to find a “middle ground.”

The movie does follow a predictable plot line, which I wasn’t a big fan of, but they did add some twists in there that caught me by surprise in a couple spots that actually had me laughing.

I’d honestly give this a 3 out of 5 stars. I know I’m not the main audience for this movie, and I know someone would really like it, but it was really just not my thing. I do recommend it to anyone who’s into “family time” movies — just good old family values, very age appropriate, very predictable.

This movie kind of has the same feel as Adam Sandler’s “Bedtime Stories.” So, if you enjoyed that, I believe you would probably enjoy this one, too.

And for families who have anyone around the age of the children in the movie.

All that being said, it did end on a really good note. I mean, it’s the classic coming together at the end family-time, but I think it wrapped up well.