Student Reporter

oculus riftNo worries, technology followers, Mark Zuckerberg is not dominating our lives.

Many thought when Facebook tycoon Zuckerberg posted a photo after the Samsung S7 release of the new virtual reality (VR) in Barcelona, that he was making a boastful statement claiming his power over us as humans and our technology. The photo pushed people into social media overdrive, buzzing about the photo with all different types of ideas.

One person posted on twitter captioning the photo as “This photo of our new overlord marching amongst his plugged in subjects is really something.” This bold statement casting a sort of dictatorship on Zuckerberg as depicted in the photo. This buzz of this photo goes back to the age old question of “is technology going to rule our lives?

Many people had the opportunity to try out the virtual reality compatible gear Samsung had released. Zuckerberg originally posted the photo and others from Barcelona to show the strong connections between Zuckerberg and Samsung.

Another concerned person tweeting the Zuckerberg picture with the caption being “Is the picture an allegory of our future? The people in a virtual reality with our leaders walking by us,” which that particular take on the photo brings up a familiar scene in a movie. “Wall-e,” a Disney movie about a future where no one walks or converses anymore, only hovering around in chairs, eyes glued to their screens in front of them.

As a society we are becoming more and more glued to screens whether it be smart phone, tablet, laptop or any other source of digital media, but seeing how the world of virtual reality coming to the light is very exciting to see how everyone reacts to the new sway of technology. But when applying it to this situation of Zuckerberg walking in, these people may be reading too far into things.

Many fear that the virtual reality world might be more isolating than our world is already with social media and the constant connection many have to have, the face to face meeting might become a thing of the past if we could all meet in a virtual world.