By COLLIN ZINK, Circulation Manager

The Great American Conference runner-ups Lady Rangers volleyball team is looking to have another successful season after being the first seven-seed team in the GAC to upset the No. 2 seed in the conference tournament this past season.

Last season, the Rangers went 8-10 in conference play and an overall record of 18-15 with a loss to Harding in the conference championship 3-1.

“We had a great finish last season,” Head Coach John Bingesser said, “but I think we have goals of our own this season. The newcomers are coming in with high expectations and our returners share the same motivations. Ultimately, we want to reach our maximum potential as a team.”

Ranger Nation can expect great things from the volleyball team this upcoming season.

“This is a team that has been very fun to watch,” Bingesser said. “I think our fans are really going to enjoy our play style and have a lot of fun watching us play.”

With three seniors graduating this past season (Courtney Russell, Ravyn Burns, and Tarra Parks), Bingesser is excited about who is going to fill their shoes.

“We are about 3-4 deep in every position this season, so there will be some competition for court time. With that competitiveness, I’m excited to see who ends up taking those spots.”

Bingesser is not worried about making it to the GAC Championship game. Instead, he is focused on bringing out the best in his players.

“Our ultimate goal is to reach our fullest potential as a team, and if that potential takes to another GAC Championship match, then we will take on that challenge when it arrives,” he said.

The Lady Rangers will not use a set strategy at this time. The team is focused more on building themselves up right now than worrying about strategy.

“Right now we are focused on what we need to do as a unit,” Bingesser said. “We will adjust and make changes accordingly to whoever is across the net from us at this time.”

Bingesser said the team is thankful to represent the university.

“We want nothing more than to make Ranger Nation proud by bringing home a championship,” he said.
The Lady Rangers will start the 2023 season playing against Newman University at 11 a.m. Friday in the Missouri Southern Invite in Joplin, Missouri.