Editorial Editor

Between the Black dresses, white roses, hashtags, pins and breath-taking performances you have probably seen or heard the movement that is taking over the media.
The Campaign’s name is “Times Up”. “TIME’S UP addresses the systemic inequality and injustice in the workplace that have kept underrepresented groups from reaching their full potential,” stated the group’s website.
Their website is full of information about the campaign and it is even an outlet for survivor looking to get help. “Three hundred female Hollywood actors, agents, writers, directors, producers and entertainment executives…are kicking off the new year with a coordinated effort to counter systemic sexual harassment in the entertainment business and US workplaces.” Stated The Guardian.
The group has created “The Times Up Legal Defense Fund” on their website and a Go Fund Me page that others can donate to. The donations go to help others pursue sexual assault cases.
You can even buy “Times Up” merchandise from there website and 100% of the proceeds go to the fund.
You may have seen a tweet or post with the hashtag Me Too. Considering that, CNBC published that Twitter confirmed “that over 1.7 million tweets included the hashtag “#MeToo,” with 85 countries that had at least 1,000 #MeToo tweets.”
What does it mean and why is it so popular? The “#MeToo” is a hashtag that is used by people who have experienced Sexual Assault,
It was started by actress Alyssa Milano when she tweeted “If you’ve been sexually harassed or assaulted write ‘me too’ as a reply to this tweet.”
It has become more popular the last couple of months as more and more survivors have stepped out of the shadows to tell their story. Some simply posting the hashtag others going into detail about their own stories.
I believe it is a great way for people to realize they are not alone and they do not have to fight this battle by themselves. It also gives them a support group of other people who can help them with their struggles.
Though the Hashtag has just became popular this last year, the “Me Too” Campaign was created in 2007. Civil Rights Activist Tarana Burke created it “as a grass-roots movement to reach sexual assault survivors in underprivileged communities.” Said the Huffington Post.
From wearing black at the 2017 Golden Globes to the 2018 Grammys, where Singers carried white roses and Ke$ha along with others dressed in white preformed the song Praying in regard to the “Times Up” movement.
With everything that unraveled this past year, I was not suprised to see that Time Magazine named The Silence Breakers their “Person of the Year”, Which includes everyone who has spoken out against Sexual Assault.
I believe that “Times Up” and “Me Too” are outstanding movements lead by strong individuals that will not go away until the problem is completely demolished.