By, DEVYN LANSDEN, Editorial Editor

Devyn Lansden stops to pose during her hike before she climbs more

I am 20 years old and a junior in college.

I have learned so many things, yet I still have so much to learn. I decided to write about what my favorite age has been so far and why.

Ever since I came to college, I have realized what is important and what isn’t.

I think my favorite age is 20 because I have grown so much in a year, and I have cut so many bad things out of my life.

I have changed my mindset, and I am appreciative of so many more things.
I plan to travel a lot this year. I love being 20 because I am still in college. I still get breaks.

Before I graduate and jump into the real world where there are no breaks, I will be taking advantage of them.

My aunt and uncle live in Corpus Christi, and I went there this past summer and loved it. It is so beautiful, and there are palm trees everywhere.

I want to go back to do more and see more.

Going on walks is my favorite, especially walking and exploring new places.
Hiking is something I want to do all the time now.

Unfortunately, living in Oklahoma, there aren’t many places to go. But there are a few, and I want to go to all of them.

I went to Colorado on a weekend in September. That was the most spontaneous I have ever been, and that was also the most fun I have had.

I want to do more things like that this year. I want to take advantage of being young and being able to get up and go somewhere new.

I used to prefer the beach over the mountains, but since I went to Colorado, I like the mountains more.

But I think it will change every time I go to the beach or mountains.
When I was in high school, my family and I went to Red River, New Mexico, a lot. We would ride Polaris Razors on trails and hike mountains every summer.

I always loved walking around and seeing mountains in every direction and then getting to the top of the mountain and seeing all of them disappear in the distance.

Additionally, I have appreciated my health. I want to stay healthy so that, when I get older, I will still be able to get up and do things.

The best time to start is now, and I am having so much fun learning new things about my health.

Another perk to being 20 is that I am so close to graduating, and that is such an exciting thing.

I am in control of everything. I get to choose where I want to live after I graduate. But, I am not rushing to graduation.

I take one day at a time, appreciating everything.

I enjoy every conversation with my teachers, classmates, people at the store and everywhere else.

I like talking to new people and learning more about them.

Being young is fun, but it is also very important because every decision matters.

I have realized that and I appreciate new things.