By GEORGE SMITH, student reporter

The dog, Dixie, and Elizabeth McMahan sighed simultaneously after her professor assigned homework during the Zoom class meeting.

A health and sports science major at Northwestern, McMahan reached down to pet her dog laying on the black and white cow-hide rug, but with her legs propped up underneath the kitchen table on the other chairs, she couldn’t quite reach her.

McMahan let her lay and jotted down some more notes. Zoom class meetings are just another side effect of the mass hysteria surrounding the corona virus. There are plenty of side effects to deal with. Thankfully, her boyfriend doesn’t have to spend his days cooped up in the house going to Zoom meetings for every class and doing chores and homework until the end of the world.

His job is one of those “essential” jobs, so he gets to spend most of his time down the street making feed and selling seed to farmers and ranchers.

While his right-hand job is essential to many, his left-hand job is also feeling the side effects of the corona hysteria.

Playing music in The Lost River Band is his favorite of the two jobs he claims. Unfortunately, his gig at the Enid Moose Lodge got canceled for this weekend as did his solo opening gig at The Waynoka Rattle Snake Hunt for the Jimmy Lee Jordan Band.

Disheartened and bored, Dixie and McMahan will persevere to find a silver lining through the chaos, and as the temperature warms up, they will get their seasonal taste of lake air, water and sun.