What makes a book “good”? Some people think it’s the symbolism used by the author. Some believe that it’s the plot that dictates if a book is a masterpiece. Others say it’s the lore that makes a novel fantastic, and everything else is irrelevant.

In my opinion, the main thing that makes a story good is the characters.

You could have the most nonsensical plot, the most boring world building, and the most predictable climax known to man. But if you make your main characters unique and likable, there’s a good chance at least one of your books will still be talked about a hundred years from now.

My reasoning? Look up any fictional fandom in existence, no matter how obscured or badly rated the source material is, there will always be people making fan art of or some teenage girl having a crush on at least one of the characters. Why? Because the character is likable in one way or another.

And really, when it comes down to it, no matter how bad a book, movie, or video game is, as long as there is at least one well-written character, people will love it.

Whenever I start a book, the first thing that catches my eyes is the characters. While I try to finish every book I open, I find that I have an easier time doing it when the protagonists are actually bearable.